As a former
police officer I am aware of the hazardous situations that law enforcement
professionals face day in and day out. This routine exposure to
uncommon events can, over time, have adverse effects on your physical and
emotional health. Experiencing traumatic events can lead to Post-traumatic
Stress injury or what is commonly referred to as PTSI.

Key Benefits
- Help to reduce health risks.
- Help to improve interpersonal relationships.
- Help to improve career outcome.
- Reduce health costs.
- Improve community relations.
- Reduce absenteeism.

Workplace Safety Should Be A Priority For Every Police Department!
Workplace Safety Training Must Include Stress Management!
Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer and the
Underlying Problem Responsible for:
Physiological problems
Psychological problems
Emotional Problems
Marital problems
Work-related problems
Suicide Among Police Officers
Common factors in Suicide by police officers:
- Alcohol, coupled with an always-present firearm, drinking and
depression are major causes of police officer suicides.
- Breakup of a relationship or marriage. Often, the only people
outside law enforcement an officer trusts are his or her family members.
When a relationship ends, the officer loses their emotional support base.
- Stagnated career.
- An officer under investigation.
Some Warning Signs:
- An officer who starts having a high number of off-duty accidents.
- A rise in citizen complaints about aggressiveness - excessive use of
- A change in personality in which a sullen officer suddenly becomes
talkative or an officer who is normally very social becomes silent and
- The officer starts giving away prized possessions or telling friends they
will be missed.
- The officer suddenly writes a will.
SOURCE: The National P.O.L.I.C.E. Suicide Foundation.
